We didn’t have much when we were
Young and often short on everything.
But every day we saw very little mixed
Up and put on a table for a king.
And, it was magic we all thought
Concerning the wooden bowl.
For most every day the big white
Lump rolled into biscuits to behold.
For years, we as adults tried our skills
To roll out grease and flour to see
If the big white lump we made
Would be like we expected it to be.
Again and again, try after try
We’ve never accomplished our goal.
And finally just gave into defeat.
We just knew it was that wooden bowl.
We never saw our mother use anything
Else to mix her biscuits with.
She’d pull out that BIG wooden bowl
And the flour she’d start to sift.
Not 4 or 5 cups of flour but 9 or
Ten she’d sift into that big bowl.
Then she’d add a ton of grease and
Buttermilk and in went her hands to roll.
From the wooden bowl and onto
The wooden cutting board she’d pour.
As we watched, we all knew just
In a few minutes we’d all want more.
No recipe, or notes or special tools.
Except for that big wooden bowl.
We’ve finally accepted that it was magic
And we’d never reach our goal.
It is a mystery where the bowl went?
It’s not been seen in a long time.
But the memories my mother made
Using that bowl will forever be one of mine.
Biscuits and Gravy – Wooden Bowl
It wasn’t every day, but many days of the week my large family had biscuits and gravy for breakfast. And sometimes eggs as we had our own chickens. We never knew you could purchase biscuits from the store because our mother always made biscuits from scratch. She had a huge brown wooden bowl she always used to make biscuits in and she never used it for anything else as I can remember. I do not know if any of us has mastered her biscuit making skills – I sure have not – but I keep trying. This is what I recall about that magic wooden bowl.
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