My children all graduated from our homeschool with no accreditation. We researched this term to see just how necessary it really was and found out that it really wasn’t an issue for our homeschool.
What exactly is accreditation?
What exactly is accreditation? There is a post that really explains it very well. Check it out Accreditation in your Homeschool. No reason for me to rewrite that part here. However, the fact that even some public schools are not accredited should be a clue as to how important it really is for us. There are so many accrediting agencies out there. Some colleges might look for that but the majority really do not.
When is accreditation important?
When is accreditation important? I recommend you begin at the start of your child’s middle school years looking into several college possibilities for your child and see what they require. If it is going to be important it will be in the high school years. Ask why they require it and if what you are already doing will work. Also, ask them what other homeschool graduates who are going to their school have done to make sure they are treating yours fairly in what they are relaying to you. Ask them what accrediting agency they are looking for accreditation from for your graduate. Sometime they will give you what they think should be the answers off the top of their head because it is easier for them then looking it up.
What is the definition of an accrediting agency?
What is the definition of an accrediting agency? a state-controlled or privately supported agency authorized to grant accreditation to educational institutions There are lists of agency recognized by the US Department of Education but they themselves are not an accrediting agency. I always thought that was very interesting.
What is the goal?
What is the goal for your child? What do they desire to do in a career later? Is it really necessary to stress over the word “accreditation”? It wasn’t for us. Our children all graduated from well-known colleges with great degrees and are doing well.

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